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Karen Guancione almost 4 years ago said

This is for women that are pregnant. The concern here is for our daughters who will try to become pregnant in the future.

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Stephanie Moriarty almost 4 years ago said

Here is info on the effect on fertility:

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Craig Hale almost 4 years ago said

So maybe direct information from a gov website that is provided by the CDC will help with understanding reactions to the vaccinations. Just for Pfizer since the beginning of 2021 there has been 237 deaths reported.
Here is a link to download the reports

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Stephanie Moriarty almost 4 years ago said

Please read the disclaimer for the VAERS data, found at the end of that link: “Note that the inclusion of events in VAERS data dies not infer causality.” This means they do not know whether the vaccine caused the side effects, illnesses, etc, or whether they were caused by something totally unrelated and would have happened anyway even if those people had not received the vaccine. This is not a research study. A research study uses controls to rule out events that are not caused by the thing you are studying.